Isn't she beautiful? And not out of my price range, either. (that's sarcasm, friends)
a few angles about food, art, culture, design, and style. Also, tips to save the world.
'The Bachelor' Puts Last Season's Really Big Cheeseball In The Line Of FireFor the rest of the article, head over to NPR.
January 4, 2010
Bachelor Jake Pavelka takes his mission very seriously. (ABC)
by Linda Holmes
The Bachelor is one of the goofiest shows on television, it really must be said. Unlike shows that could be goofy or interesting depending on the execution -- Project Runway, for instance -- this show will always be goofy. It has goofiness embedded in its creative (well, "creative") DNA, and oddly, it has actually grown in popularity again recently.
It returns tonight, in what could be its most uncomfortable season ever.
The new Bachelor is Jake Pavelka, better known as "Jake The Pilot" from the most recent season of The Bachelorette. Jake -- in addition to being a one-time actor who has managed to play a young Chuck Norris twice -- is one of the corniest cornballs the show has ever husked.
Despite having the flat good looks of a guy you might find in any good collection of stock photography, and despite having a good job (pilot!) and a defiantly unobjectionable personality, Jake was dumped last season by Bachelorette Jillian Harris, who had been dumped in the previous season by Jason Mesnick, who had been dumped in the previous season by DeAnna Pappas, who had been dumped in the previous season by Brad Womack, who wound up on this show for unknown reasons that he almost surely curses daily. It's the ciiiiiiiircle of liiiife!